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How to break up multiple connections between entities in Prisma and MySQL?

asked 2023-06-18 04:49:25 +0000

bukephalos gravatar image

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answered 2023-06-18 05:17:02 +0000

pufferfish gravatar image

To break up multiple connections between entities in Prisma and MySQL, follow these steps:

  1. Determine the relationships between the entities: Before you start breaking up connections between entities, make sure you understand the relationships between them. This will help you determine the correct approach for breaking up the connections.

  2. Modify the schema: Once you have a clear understanding of the relationships between the entities, modify the schema of the entities to remove the connections you want to break up. This may involve modifying the foreign key constraints or deleting certain fields from the entities.

  3. Migrate the database: After modifying the schema, you need to migrate the database to apply the changes to the actual database. You can do this using the prisma migrate command in the Prisma CLI.

  4. Update the application logic: Since you have modified the schema of the entities, you will also need to update the application logic to reflect the new changes. This may involve changing queries or updating API endpoints.

  5. Test the application: Once you have made the necessary changes, you should test the application to ensure that everything works as expected. You should also perform thorough testing to ensure that you have not introduced any new bugs or issues in the process of breaking up the connections between entities.

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Asked: 2023-06-18 04:49:25 +0000

Seen: 12 times

Last updated: Jun 18 '23