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What does it mean when a " Connection reset" error occurs while attempting to debug or run a test on IntelliJ IDEA CE with the org.testng.TestNGException?

asked 2023-06-14 17:13:10 +0000

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answered 2023-06-14 17:33:01 +0000

lakamha gravatar image

This error message indicates that the connection between the client and server was abruptly closed, most likely due to network issues or a problem with the server itself. It can also indicate that the server rejected the connection request for some reason. In the context of IntelliJ IDEA CE and the TestNG framework, this error may occur when attempting to run a test or debug a program that requires a network connection, such as a web application or a client-server program. Possible causes of this error include network congestion, firewall restrictions, or incorrect server settings. To troubleshoot this issue, you should check your network configuration and firewall settings, verify that the server is running and accessible, and ensure that you have the correct server settings configured in your IDE. You may also want to try restarting your IDE and/or the server to see if that resolves the issue.

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Asked: 2023-06-14 17:13:10 +0000

Seen: 9 times

Last updated: Jun 14 '23