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How can large graphml files be filtered by removing certain portions?

asked 2023-06-14 03:25:21 +0000

ladyg gravatar image

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answered 2023-06-14 03:38:01 +0000

plato gravatar image

There are several ways to filter large GraphML files by removing certain portions:

  1. Use a GraphML editor software: There are several GraphML editor software available online that allow users to edit and filter their GraphML files. These software usually have filters and search functions that can help users remove specific portions of their GraphML file.

  2. Write a script: If you have programming knowledge, you can write a script that iterates over the GraphML file and removes the portions you specify.

  3. Use command line tools: There are some command-line tools available that can help you filter large GraphML files. For example, you can use the grep command to search for specific patterns in the file and then use the sed command to remove those patterns.

  4. Import the file into a database: You can import the GraphML file into a database such as Neo4j and then use the database query language to filter out the portions you don't need.

Overall, filtering large GraphML files requires a combination of technical skills and access to the right tools.

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Asked: 2023-06-14 03:25:21 +0000

Seen: 13 times

Last updated: Jun 14 '23