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What is the process of adding the krpanoplugin via Javascript dynamically and what causes the local variable error?

asked 2023-06-12 14:13:03 +0000

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answered 2023-06-12 14:19:02 +0000

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The process of adding the krpanoplugin via JavaScript dynamically involves creating a new <script> tag and appending it to the document's <head> element. This new script tag will contain the source URL of the krpanoplugin JavaScript file, and the krpanoplugin object will then be available to the rest of the JavaScript code on the page.

The "local variable error" most likely refers to a situation where a JavaScript variable is declared within a function or a block of code, but is then accessed outside of that function or block. This can happen if the variable is not declared with the proper scope (using the var or let keyword), or if the code is not structured correctly in general. Other causes of local variable errors could include syntax errors, misspelled variable names, or trying to access variables before they have been declared.

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Asked: 2023-06-12 14:13:03 +0000

Seen: 13 times

Last updated: Jun 12 '23