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How can I display a cluster of associated checkboxes as parameters and then transmit them as an array using Azure Pipelines?

asked 2023-06-08 17:32:20 +0000

huitzilopochtli gravatar image

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answered 2023-06-08 17:56:01 +0000

devzero gravatar image

To display a cluster of associated checkboxes as parameters in Azure Pipelines, you can use the "Checkbox" control option in your YAML pipeline.

Here's an example YAML code that shows how to display a cluster of checkboxes:

  - name: myCheckboxList
    type: object
    default: {}
    displayName: 'My Checkbox List'
      - key: Option1
        value: 'Option 1'
      - key: Option2
        value: 'Option 2'
      - key: Option3
        value: 'Option 3'

  - script: |
      for checkbox in "${{ parameters.myCheckboxList }}"; do
          if [ "$checkbox" = "Option1" ]; then
              echo "Option 1 is selected."
              # do something with Option1...
          if [ "$checkbox" = "Option2" ]; then
              echo "Option 2 is selected."
              # do something with Option2...
          if [ "$checkbox" = "Option3" ]; then
              echo "Option 3 is selected."
              # do something with Option3...

In this example, we created a parameter called "myCheckboxList" which is an object of checkboxes. Each checkbox has a key and a display value, defined in the "values" section.

When the pipeline is run, the user can select one or more checkboxes from the list. To use these selections in our script or pipeline, we can access the "myCheckboxList" parameter as an array and loop through its values to check which options were selected.

Note that the default value for the "myCheckboxList" parameter is an empty object, which means no checkboxes are selected by default. You can change this to a set of default values by setting the "default" parameter to an object containing keys of the desired default checkboxes.

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Asked: 2023-06-08 17:32:20 +0000

Seen: 11 times

Last updated: Jun 08 '23