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What does the error message "invalid lvalue in increment" mean when it involves a pointer?

asked 2023-06-08 14:22:54 +0000

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answered 2023-06-08 14:43:02 +0000

woof gravatar image

This error message usually indicates that a programmer has attempted to increment a value that cannot be changed (also known as an "lvalue") using the ++ operator. In this case, the error message is likely related to a pointer because the programmer is trying to modify the address of the pointer, rather than the value it points to.

For example:

int* ptr = some_address;
ptr++; // invalid lvalue in increment

In this code, the programmer is trying to increment the address stored in the 'ptr' variable by one. However, since the address is a constant value that cannot be changed, the compiler generates an "invalid lvalue in increment" error.

To fix this error, the programmer should modify the code to work with the value at the pointer's location, rather than the pointer itself. For example:

int* ptr = some_address;
(*ptr)++; // increment value at address pointed to by ptr

In this updated code, the programmer first dereferences the pointer (using the * operator) to access the value stored at the address it points to. They can then use the ++ operator to increment the value itself.

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Asked: 2023-06-08 14:22:54 +0000

Seen: 21 times

Last updated: Jun 08 '23