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How do "remember" and "mutableState" differ in Android Jetpack Compose?

asked 2023-06-02 09:29:46 +0000

plato gravatar image

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answered 2023-06-02 09:32:01 +0000

pufferfish gravatar image

"Remember" and "mutableState" are both state management options in Android Jetpack Compose, but they have some key differences:

  1. Remember: "Remember" is a Compose function that allows you to save and retrieve values across recompositions, similar to the "state" in React. However, it does not trigger recompositions when the value is changed. You can use "remember" to store values that don't need to be actively updated and can be safely cached, such as values computed from expensive operations or constants.

  2. MutableState: "MutableState" is a state holder that Compose observes for you, automatically triggering recompositions whenever the value changes. It is similar to a LiveData or a MutableLiveData object in a ViewModel. You can use "mutableState" to store values that need to be actively updated and affect the UI, such as user input or network responses.

In summary, "remember" is useful for caching values that don't need to be actively updated, while "mutableState" is used to store values that affect the UI and require recompositions.

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Asked: 2023-06-02 09:29:46 +0000

Seen: 1 times

Last updated: Jun 02 '23