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What could be behind the neural network's poor performance on the testing data, despite it showing high accuracy on the training data?

asked 2023-06-02 08:38:12 +0000

huitzilopochtli gravatar image

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answered 2023-06-02 09:00:02 +0000

pufferfish gravatar image

There are several potential reasons for the neural network's poor performance on testing data despite high accuracy on training data, including:

  1. Overfitting: The neural network may have learned the training data too well, memorizing specific examples rather than learning general patterns. As a result, the network may struggle to generalize to new, unseen data.

  2. Data mismatch: The training data may not be representative of the testing data, leading the network to perform poorly on the latter. This can occur if the testing data comes from a different distribution or has different characteristics than the training data.

  3. Limited data: The neural network may not have enough training data to learn the patterns necessary to perform well on the testing data. In this case, acquiring more data or using data augmentation techniques may be helpful.

  4. Model complexity: The neural network may be too complex for the given problem, leading to overfitting and poor generalization. Simplifying the model architecture or using regularization techniques may help.

  5. Hyperparameter tuning: The neural network's hyperparameters (e.g., learning rate, number of layers) may not be optimized for the given problem, leading to suboptimal performance. Adjusting these hyperparameters may improve the network's performance on the testing data.

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Asked: 2023-06-02 08:38:12 +0000

Seen: 15 times

Last updated: Jun 02 '23