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How can the issue of contacts being delayed while retrieving them from a device and sending them to the API for response be addressed?

asked 2023-05-30 22:55:04 +0000

lalupa gravatar image

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answered 2023-05-30 23:07:01 +0000

lakamha gravatar image

There are a few potential solutions to address the issue of contact delay when retrieving and sending them to an API:

  1. Implement caching: Caching involves storing frequently used data in a temporary storage location, so it can be quickly accessed without reloading it every time. You can use a caching mechanism like Redis to store contacts data from your device and API. This will help in speeding up the retrieval and sending process while reducing API calls.

  2. Optimize API requests: Furthermore, optimizing API requests by limiting the scope of data retrievals using query parameters, reduce the amount of data transmitted, and reducing the use of blocking APIs can help reduce the time required to send and retrieve contacts data.

  3. Use FastAPI: FastAPI is one of the fastest-growing Python web frameworks that can handle high traffic APIs in record time. It provides an asynchronous syntax to lower requests' responsiveness time and make sequential connections concurrently for a better user experience.

  4. Enhance device performance: If the device you are using has performance issues, this may affect the time it takes to send and retrieve contacts data from your device to the API. Enhancing the device's performance by removing unwanted apps or updating to a higher-spec model can lead to increased speed.

  5. Employ data compression: If data compression is performed before sending, it will reduce the amount of data transmitted, and thereby, the time required to send data.the use of data compression will enable data to be sent faster, reducing contact delay.

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Asked: 2023-05-30 22:55:04 +0000

Seen: 13 times

Last updated: May 30 '23