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Why am I unable to start Tomcat while dockerizing a spring boot application with mysql, despite it functioning flawlessly on localhost?

asked 2023-05-29 06:01:35 +0000

lalupa gravatar image

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answered 2023-05-29 06:27:02 +0000

nofretete gravatar image

There can be various reasons why you are unable to start Tomcat while dockerizing a Spring Boot application with MySQL, even though it functions flawlessly on localhost. Some common reasons are:

  1. Docker configuration issues: Check if the Docker file is properly configured and all the necessary files and dependencies are added to the Docker container.

  2. Port conflicts: If you have exposed the port on which Tomcat is running in your Docker configuration file, there might be port conflicts with other running services or containers. Check if the port is already in use and change it if necessary.

  3. Database access issues: Make sure that the credentials for the MySQL database are properly configured in the Spring Boot application properties file and that the Docker container can connect to the database.

  4. Network issues: Check if the Docker network is properly configured and that the Spring Boot application can communicate with the MySQL database in the Docker container.

  5. Resource constraints: The Docker container may not have enough resources to run Tomcat and the Spring Boot application. Check the container's resource limits and adjust them accordingly.

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Asked: 2023-05-29 06:01:35 +0000

Seen: 9 times

Last updated: May 29 '23