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Why is Serilog in .Net 6 not generating log files inside a Docker Container?

asked 2023-05-27 20:24:57 +0000

lakamha gravatar image

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answered 2023-05-27 20:28:02 +0000

david gravatar image

There could be several reasons why Serilog is not generating log files inside a Docker container. Some possible reasons are:

  1. Volume Mounting: If you are using volume mounting to store logs outside the container, then make sure that the path of the log file in the container matches the path of the mounted volume on the host system.

  2. Permissions: Check if the user running the container has the necessary permissions to write to the directory where the log file is saved.

  3. Log Configuration: Check if Serilog's configuration is correctly set up to write log files to a particular directory.

  4. Docker Image: Check if the Docker image includes the necessary dependencies for writing logs to a file.

  5. Environment: Check if the environment variables for the container are correctly set up to write logs to a file.

It is important to debug the issue by checking the logs of both the container and the Docker host to identify the cause of the problem.

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Asked: 2023-05-27 20:24:57 +0000

Seen: 15 times

Last updated: May 27 '23