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What does the error "strconv.Atoi: parsing "": invalid syntax" mean when I try to deploy my .drone.yml file to two servers using Drone CI?

asked 2023-05-27 06:37:41 +0000

devzero gravatar image

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answered 2023-05-27 06:49:02 +0000

qstack gravatar image

The error message "strconv.Atoi: parsing "": invalid syntax" typically means that there is an empty or invalid value being parsed as an integer in your .drone.yml file. This can be caused by a missing or improperly formatted environment variable or configuration setting.

To resolve this error, you may need to review your .drone.yml file and check for any empty or incorrect values. Make sure that all environment variables and configuration settings are properly formatted and have valid values. Also, check to ensure that any references to external resources or dependencies are correctly configured and accessible. Once you have resolved any issues with your .drone.yml file, try deploying your code again to see if the error has been resolved.

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Asked: 2023-05-27 06:37:41 +0000

Seen: 10 times

Last updated: May 27 '23