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What distinguishes a member of an organization from an external collaborator on GitHub?

asked 2023-05-27 03:58:31 +0000

bukephalos gravatar image

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answered 2023-05-27 04:02:01 +0000

ladyg gravatar image

A member of an organization on GitHub has certain privileges and permissions that an external collaborator does not have. Members have access to and can contribute to private repositories and internal discussions within the organization. They also have the ability to create and manage repositories, teams, and access levels for other members. On the other hand, external collaborators are users who are invited to collaborate on a specific project or repository but do not have access to the organization's internal resources. They can only access repositories they have been granted access to and do not have any administrative control over the organization.

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Asked: 2023-05-27 03:58:31 +0000

Seen: 10 times

Last updated: May 27 '23