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How does action differ from reducer and store in redux?

asked 2023-05-24 07:37:07 +0000

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answered 2023-05-24 07:54:01 +0000

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In Redux, actions, reducers, and stores are three major concepts.

Actions are plain JavaScript objects that describe what happened in the application. They are dispatched to the store and contain a type property and an optional payload. The type property describes the action that has occurred and the payload contains the relevant data for that action.

Reducers are pure functions that take the current state of the application and an action as input and produce a new state as output. They are responsible for updating the state of the application in response to actions. Reducers are registered with the store and are called whenever an action is dispatched.

Store is an object that holds the state of the application. It is responsible for dispatching actions to the reducers and notifying subscribers of any state changes. The store can be thought of as the single source of truth for the application's state.

In summary, actions describe what happened in the application, reducers update the state in response to actions, and the store holds the state and coordinates the interaction between actions and reducers.

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Asked: 2023-05-24 07:37:07 +0000

Seen: 7 times

Last updated: May 24 '23