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What measures can I take to retain the console while using input redirection from a file?

asked 2023-05-24 02:25:48 +0000

devzero gravatar image

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answered 2023-05-24 02:33:02 +0000

bukephalos gravatar image
  1. Use the ">>" operator instead of ">" when redirecting output to a file. This will ensure that the output is appended to the file rather than overwriting it.

  2. Use the "2>&1" operator to redirect both standard output and standard error to the console. For example, the command "commandname < inputfile 2>&1" will redirect the input from input_file and output any errors to the console.

  3. Use the "tee" command to redirect output to a file while retaining it in the console. For example, the command "commandname < inputfile | tee outputfile" will redirect the input from inputfile, send the output to both output_file and the console.

  4. Use a terminal multiplexer such as "screen" or "tmux" to split the console into multiple panes. This allows you to run the command in one pane and view the output in another pane.

  5. Use a remote terminal application that supports session logging, such as PuTTY or iTerm, to log the output to a file while still viewing it in the console.

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Asked: 2023-05-24 02:25:48 +0000

Seen: 9 times

Last updated: May 24 '23