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How can I delete all rows and columns that are grouped together in a spreadsheet?

asked 2023-05-23 05:49:31 +0000

lakamha gravatar image

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answered 2023-05-23 06:19:02 +0000

nofretete gravatar image

To delete all rows and columns that are grouped together in a spreadsheet, follow these steps:

  1. Select the row or column group that you want to delete. To do this, click on the row number or column letter of the first row or column in the group, then drag your mouse across to the last row or column in the group.

  2. Right-click on the selected rows or columns and choose "Delete" from the context menu.

  3. In the Delete dialog box, choose the option to "Shift cells up" or "Shift cells left" depending on whether you are deleting rows or columns. Click "OK" to confirm the deletion.

  4. Repeat the process for any additional row or column groups that you want to delete.

Note: Be careful when deleting rows or columns, as this action cannot be undone. Make sure to save a backup copy of your spreadsheet before deleting any data.

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Asked: 2023-05-23 05:49:31 +0000

Seen: 11 times

Last updated: May 23 '23