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What is the method for displaying a table containing numerous cells without experiencing lag or flickering when scrolling through it?

asked 2023-05-22 09:40:27 +0000

lalupa gravatar image

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answered 2023-05-22 09:57:02 +0000

ladyg gravatar image

There are several methods for displaying a table containing numerous cells without experiencing lag or flickering when scrolling through it:

  1. Virtual Scrolling: This technique involves rendering only the visible portion of the table at a time to reduce the total number of rendered cells. As the user scrolls down the table, new cells are dynamically loaded and rendered. This method can reduce the rendering time and memory usage.

  2. Fixed Table Header: When a table contains a large number of rows, the header row may become invisible due to scrolling. To avoid this, you can fix the table header, which remains visible as the user scrolls through the table.

  3. Lazy-load Data: If the table contains a large amount of data that is not immediately needed, you can load it only when it becomes visible on the screen. This technique is called lazy-loading, and it can reduce the initial loading time of the table.

  4. Debouncing Scrolling: Debouncing scrolling is a technique that limits the number of times a scroll event is fired. Instead of firing every time the user scrolls, the scroll event is debounced into groups to reduce the number of re-renders.

  5. Optimizing Styles: Optimizing styles like using transform scale for scrolling can help avoid document reflow and prevent flickering.

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Asked: 2023-05-22 09:40:27 +0000

Seen: 14 times

Last updated: May 22 '23