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Which methods should be employed when processing inputs from unpredictable origins?

asked 2023-05-12 05:55:54 +0000

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answered 2023-05-12 06:09:01 +0000

nofretete gravatar image

When processing inputs from unpredictable origins, it is important to employ the following methods:

  1. Validation: All input should be validated to ensure that it meets the specific requirements for the application. For example, input from a form should be validated to ensure that it contains the correct data type, length, and format.

  2. Sanitization: Any potentially harmful characters or scripts should be removed from any input that will be used in functions or queries to prevent code injection attacks.

  3. Parameterization: Queries should be parameterized to prevent SQL injection attacks by separating the query structure from the input data.

  4. Limiting access: Limit access to data and functions to only those who need it to perform their job functions.

  5. Auditing: Keep logs of all activity on the application to detect any potential security breaches.

  6. Encryption: Any sensitive input data such as passwords, credit card numbers or personal information should be encrypted to prevent unauthorized access.

  7. Testing: Extensive testing should be conducted to check for vulnerabilities and determine how the application behaves under normal and abnormal conditions.

By applying these methods, an application can be made more secure and less vulnerable to attacks from unpredictable sources.

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Asked: 2023-05-12 05:55:54 +0000

Seen: 9 times

Last updated: May 12 '23