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How can you create a boolean value as the output of a comparison in bash?

asked 2023-05-09 05:54:51 +0000

nofretete gravatar image

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answered 2023-05-09 06:15:01 +0000

woof gravatar image

You can use the comparison operators in bash to create a boolean value as output.

For example, to check if two values are equal, you can use the double equal sign (==) and assign the result to a variable. The output will be either true (1) or false (0).


result=$((a == b))

echo $result   # Outputs 0, which means false

Similarly, you can use other comparison operators such as -lt (less than), -gt (greater than), -le (less than or equal to), and -ge (greater than or equal to) to create boolean outputs.

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Asked: 2023-05-09 05:54:51 +0000

Seen: 14 times

Last updated: May 09 '23