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What is the process for automating the sending of reports on Sheets?

asked 2023-05-04 14:12:07 +0000

david gravatar image

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answered 2023-05-04 14:30:02 +0000

djk gravatar image

To automate the sending of reports on Sheets, you can follow these steps:

  1. Create the report that you want to automate in Google Sheets.
  2. Click on the "Tools" menu and select "Script editor."
  3. In the script editor, write a script that gets the data from your report and sends it in an email. You can use the built-in MailApp service to send emails.
  4. Save the script and give it a name.
  5. Go back to your report and click on the "Tools" menu, then select "Script editor" again.
  6. In the script editor, click on the "Triggers" button on the left-hand side.
  7. Click on the "Add Trigger" button in the bottom right corner.
  8. Choose the function you want to run (the script you just created) and choose when you want it to run (such as "Daily" or "Weekly").
  9. Click "Save" to create the trigger.
  10. Test your setup by running the script manually and verifying that the email is sent with the report data.
  11. Sit back and let the automation run, sending out reports as often as you set it to.
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Asked: 2023-05-04 14:12:07 +0000

Seen: 15 times

Last updated: May 04 '23