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What could be causing Laravel sanctum to be unauthenticated on a live server?

asked 2023-04-29 10:36:23 +0000

woof gravatar image

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answered 2023-04-29 10:53:02 +0000

ladyg gravatar image

There could be several reasons why Laravel sanctum is unauthenticated on a live server:

  1. Incorrect base URL: Make sure the base URL in the .env file matches the domain where the app is hosted.

  2. Session driver not configured: Laravel sanctum requires a session driver to be configured in the .env file. If it is not set, sanctum will not be able to authenticate users.

  3. Missing CSRF token: Make sure that the CSRF token is included in your requests. Without it, sanctum will not be able to authenticate users.

  4. Firewall or security settings: Sometimes, firewalls or security settings on the server can prevent sanctum from working correctly. Make sure that the server allows the necessary ports and protocols.

  5. Incorrect configuration settings: Check that the configuration settings for sanctum are correct in the config/auth.php file.

  6. Invalid tokens: If there are invalid tokens stored in the database, they could cause authentication issues. Make sure to clear out any invalid tokens.

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Asked: 2023-04-29 10:36:23 +0000

Seen: 10 times

Last updated: Apr 29 '23