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What is the method to programmatically alter the Bluetooth codec in Kotlin using API 33?

asked 2022-10-23 11:00:00 +0000

david gravatar image

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answered 2021-06-14 19:00:00 +0000

devzero gravatar image

To programmatically alter the Bluetooth codec in Kotlin using API 33, you can use the following steps:

  1. Obtain an instance of the BluetoothAdapter.
val bluetoothAdapter = BluetoothAdapter.getDefaultAdapter()
  1. Check if Bluetooth is enabled.
if (!bluetoothAdapter.isEnabled) {
  1. Get the connected Bluetooth device.
val connectedDevice = bluetoothAdapter.getProfileProxy(context, object : BluetoothProfile.ServiceListener {
    override fun onServiceConnected(profile: Int, proxy: BluetoothProfile?) {
        val devices = proxy?.connectedDevices
        if (devices != null && devices.isNotEmpty()) {
            val device = devices[0]
            // Use the connected device
        bluetoothAdapter.closeProfileProxy(profile, proxy)
    override fun onServiceDisconnected(profile: Int) {}
}, BluetoothProfile.A2DP)
  1. Obtain an instance of the BluetoothA2dp class.
val bluetoothA2dp =
        .invoke(null, context, object : BluetoothProfile.ServiceListener {
            override fun onServiceConnected(profile: Int, proxy: BluetoothProfile?) {
                // Use the proxy
            override fun onServiceDisconnected(profile: Int) {}
        }, BluetoothProfile.A2DP) as BluetoothA2dp
  1. Set the Bluetooth codec using the setCodecConfigPreference method. The parameter to this method is a BluetoothCodecConfig object.
val codecConfig = BluetoothCodecConfig.SOURCE_CODEC_TYPE_DISABLED
bluetoothA2dp.setCodecConfigPreference(connectedDevice, codecConfig)

Note: This code snippet assumes that the target device supports the selected codec.

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Asked: 2022-10-23 11:00:00 +0000

Seen: 11 times

Last updated: Jun 14 '21