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How can I resolve the issue of an object not being a part of a package when using IntelliJ, without the use of SBT?

asked 2022-07-29 11:00:00 +0000

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answered 2022-09-20 12:00:00 +0000

nofretete gravatar image

One possible solution is to update the classpath of the project to include the missing object as a dependency. This can be done in IntelliJ by going to Project Structure > Modules > Dependencies and adding the missing object as a library or module dependency.

If the missing object is not available as a library or module, it may need to be added to the project manually. This can be done by creating a new directory for the object and adding the necessary files to it, then updating the classpath to include this new directory as a source folder or library.

Another possible solution is to check that the object is correctly located in the package directory structure. Make sure that the object is in the correct package directory and that the package name is correct and matches the name defined in the object's code.

If the above solutions do not work, it may be necessary to use a build tool such as SBT to manage dependencies and ensure that all required objects are included in the project.

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Asked: 2022-07-29 11:00:00 +0000

Seen: 11 times

Last updated: Sep 20 '22