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How can a single writer and multiple readers achieve concurrency with only one write?

asked 2022-11-21 11:00:00 +0000

djk gravatar image

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answered 2023-02-04 03:00:00 +0000

woof gravatar image

One way a single writer and multiple readers can achieve concurrency with only one write is by using a lock or semaphore to synchronize the access to the shared resource. The writer would acquire the lock or semaphore, modify the shared resource, and release it. Readers would also need to acquire the lock or semaphore before accessing the shared resource to ensure they are not reading outdated or inconsistent data. By using this synchronization mechanism, the writer and readers can achieve concurrency while guaranteeing the integrity and consistency of the shared resource. Another way to achieve concurrency is by using a data structure that allows concurrent read access, such as a read-only data structure or a copy-on-write data structure. In these cases, the writer would modify a separate copy of the data structure and then swap it with the old one, while readers would continue to read from the old data structure until the swap is complete.

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Asked: 2022-11-21 11:00:00 +0000

Seen: 10 times

Last updated: Feb 04 '23