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How can the auto-scrolling feature be implemented onto a WordPress page?

asked 2022-08-15 11:00:00 +0000

nofretete gravatar image

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answered 2021-10-30 18:00:00 +0000

lalupa gravatar image

The auto-scrolling feature can be implemented onto a WordPress page in the following steps:

  1. Install and activate the "Smooth Scroll Up" plugin from the WordPress repository.

  2. After installing and activating the plugin, go to the settings page by clicking on "Settings" > "Smooth Scroll Up" in the WordPress dashboard.

  3. In the "Basic Settings" section, you can customize the scroll speed, duration, and easing effect for a smoother scrolling experience.

  4. To enable the auto-scrolling feature, go to the "Advanced Settings" section and toggle the "Enable Auto Scrolling" option.

  5. You can select the scroll trigger, i.e., when the auto-scrolling should start. You can choose between "On Load" (when the page loads), "On Click" (when a button or link is clicked), and "On Hover" (when the mouse is hovered over a specific section).

  6. Save the changes and preview your WordPress page to see the auto-scrolling feature in action.

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Asked: 2022-08-15 11:00:00 +0000

Seen: 9 times

Last updated: Oct 30 '21