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What is the process for retraining the Edge TPU-compatible SSD MobileNet V1 detector?

asked 2022-12-08 11:00:00 +0000

plato gravatar image

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answered 2021-12-08 08:00:00 +0000

pufferfish gravatar image

The following is the general process for retraining the Edge TPU-compatible SSD MobileNet V1 detector:

  1. Collect and label new training data: Collect a new dataset of images that are representative of the objects you want to detect, and label them using bounding boxes to indicate the position of the objects in the images.

  2. Train the SSD MobileNet V1 detector: Use a deep learning framework (such as TensorFlow) to train the SSD MobileNet V1 detector on the new dataset. Use transfer learning to leverage the existing pre-trained model, and fine-tune it with the new data.

  3. Quantize the trained model: Quantize the trained model to convert the floating-point weights to integer weights, which can be more efficiently processed by the Edge TPU.

  4. Compile and deploy the model to the Edge TPU: Use the TensorFlow Lite Edge TPU Compiler to compile the model for the Edge TPU, and then deploy the compiled model to the Edge TPU device.

  5. Test and evaluate the model: Test the retrained model on a new set of images to evaluate its performance. If necessary, tweak the hyperparameters and retrain the model until you achieve satisfactory results.

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Asked: 2022-12-08 11:00:00 +0000

Seen: 12 times

Last updated: Dec 08 '21