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In Python, what are the steps to utilize linear regression with a predetermined x intercept?

asked 2022-07-23 11:00:00 +0000

lalupa gravatar image

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answered 2021-09-14 23:00:00 +0000

woof gravatar image

Linear regression with a predetermined x-intercept refers to the situation where we know the value of x, such that when y = 0, it is equal to the value we know. Here are the steps to use linear regression with a predetermined x-intercept:

  1. Import the necessary libraries: You will need to import the numpy and sklearn libraries

  2. Prepare the data: Prepare the data by loading the dataset into Python and separating the data into the independent variable (x) and the dependent variable (y)

  3. Create the x matrix: Take the value of x, such that y=0, and create a matrix with the same dimensions as your x variable.

  4. Adjust the dependent variable:y = y - intercept

  5. Fit the regression model: Fit the regression model using the linear regression object that is part of the sklearn library, using the x matrix and adjusted dependent variable.

  6. Predict the values: Predict the values of y based on the fitted model

  7. Evaluate the model: Evaluate the performance of the model in terms of the mean squared error, R-squared value, and other relevant metrics.

  8. Visualize the results: Create a plot of the data with the regression line plotted. If the results of the regression are good, you should be able to see a positive correlation between the independent and dependent variables.

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Asked: 2022-07-23 11:00:00 +0000

Seen: 11 times

Last updated: Sep 14 '21