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The class at [class path] cannot be processed due to an IOException caused by an unsupported version number [55.0] which exceeds the maximum of [54.0] for Java 10.

asked 2021-06-15 11:00:00 +0000

djk gravatar image

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answered 2022-02-19 01:00:00 +0000

plato gravatar image

This error message indicates that the Java runtime environment is unable to process a class file that was compiled with a version of Java that is not compatible with the current version of Java installed on the machine. Specifically, the class file at the specified path was compiled with Java version 11, which is not supported by Java version 10.

To resolve this issue, you will need to either upgrade your Java installation to version 11 or recompile the class file using a version of Java that is compatible with Java 10 (up to version 54.0). Once you have resolved the compatibility issue, you should be able to process the class file without any further issues.

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Asked: 2021-06-15 11:00:00 +0000

Seen: 8 times

Last updated: Feb 19 '22