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Can I generate an error in my console application prior to proceeding to the subsequent prompt?

asked 2021-11-18 11:00:00 +0000

lalupa gravatar image

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answered 2022-07-04 20:00:00 +0000

david gravatar image

Yes, you can generate an error in your console application using different programming languages such as C#, Java, Python, etc.

In C#, for example, you can use the throw keyword to explicitly throw an exception, which will terminate the current method and transfer control to the next available exception handler.

Here's an example:

static void Main(string[] args)
      // Prompt the user for some input
      Console.Write("Enter a number: ");

      // Read the input
      string userInput = Console.ReadLine();

      // Convert the input to an integer
      int number = int.Parse(userInput);

      // Check if the number is negative
      if (number < 0)
         // Throw an exception
         throw new ArgumentException("Number must be positive");

      // Proceed to the subsequent prompt
      Console.Write("Enter your name: ");
      string name = Console.ReadLine();

      // Print the output
      Console.WriteLine("Hello, {0}!", name);
   catch (Exception ex)
      // Handle the exception by printing the error message to the console
      Console.WriteLine("Error: " + ex.Message);

   // Wait for the user to press a key before exiting

In this example, if the user enters a negative number, an ArgumentException will be thrown, which will be caught by the try-catch block and the error message will be printed to the console. If the user enters a positive number, the program will proceed to the subsequent prompt and print the output to the console.

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Asked: 2021-11-18 11:00:00 +0000

Seen: 8 times

Last updated: Jul 04 '22