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How can CSV files with identical headers be combined in Oracle Service Bus (OSB 12c)?

asked 2023-01-09 11:00:00 +0000

plato gravatar image

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answered 2021-12-21 14:00:00 +0000

nofretete gravatar image

To combine CSV files with identical headers in Oracle Service Bus (OSB 12c), you can use the following approach:

  1. Create a REST API proxy service in OSB 12c that retrieves the CSV files from their source location.
  2. Use a file adapter to read the CSV files and convert them into XML format.
  3. Use an XSLT transformation to transform the CSV files into a common XML format.
  4. Use a routing option to merge the XML documents.
  5. Use an XSLT transformation to convert the merged XML document back to CSV format.
  6. Use a file adapter to write the merged CSV file to the target location.

The key to combining CSV files with identical headers is to ensure that the XML documents generated from the CSV files have the same structure. This can be achieved using an XSLT transformation. Once the XML documents are standardized, you can use the routing options available in OSB to merge them. Finally, you need to convert the merged XML document into CSV format using another XSLT transformation and write it to the target location.

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Asked: 2023-01-09 11:00:00 +0000

Seen: 11 times

Last updated: Dec 21 '21