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How can the CSP problem be solved by employing AJAX to execute JavaScript in response to an HTTP request?

asked 2022-05-12 11:00:00 +0000

scrum gravatar image

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answered 2021-06-16 06:00:00 +0000

devzero gravatar image

The Content Security Policy (CSP) is a security feature implemented in web browsers to prevent cross-site scripting (XSS) attacks. It works by allowing a site to specify the sources from which it will accept JavaScript code. If a browser receives a script from an unauthorized source, it will block the script from executing.

To solve the CSP problem using AJAX, one approach is to use a server-side proxy that sends requests to the destination site and then returns the results to the client. The client-side code can then use AJAX to send a request to the server-side proxy, which in turn sends a request to the destination site.

The server-side code can then use a programming language (such as PHP, Python or Ruby) to filter out any unauthorized JavaScript code and return the filtered HTML page to the client. The client-side code can then execute any JavaScript code in the page without any issues related to the content security policy.

By using this approach, the CSP problem can be solved, as the client-side code will only receive JavaScript code that has been authorized by the content security policy. This ensures that the client-side code does not execute any unauthorized scripts and prevents anyone from hijacking the client-side code to execute unauthorized scripts.

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Asked: 2022-05-12 11:00:00 +0000

Seen: 11 times

Last updated: Jun 16 '21