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What is the reason for a 401 error when the credentials are accurate with a JSON login that involves Symfony and React JS?

asked 2021-10-09 11:00:00 +0000

ladyg gravatar image

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answered 2023-03-11 11:00:00 +0000

bukephalos gravatar image

A 401 error typically indicates that the user attempting to access a resource is unauthorized or their credentials are invalid. There could be several reasons why this error occurs even when credentials are accurate in a JSON login involving Symfony and React JS:

  1. Session or Token expiration - If the user’s session or login token has expired or is invalid, it could trigger a 401 error. Check the validity of the login token and implement a mechanism to renew the session or token periodically.

  2. Incorrect URL or endpoint - Sometimes, the issue may not be related to authentication or credentials, but rather a wrong URL or endpoint. Make sure that the requested URL exists and points to the right resource.

  3. CORS issue - If the cross-origin resource sharing (CORS) is not set up correctly, it may trigger a 401 error. Make sure that the backend is configured to allow requests from the client-side.

  4. Firewall or security software - The error may be triggered if the firewall or security software blocks the request, even if the credentials are accurate. Check if the security software is interfering with the request, and make the necessary adjustments.

  5. Missing or incorrect authorization headers - The authentication headers need to be correctly set up in the request. Ensure that the headers are included, and the credential values match what is expected on the backend side.

By investigating the above issues, one can narrow down the reason for the 401 errors even when the credentials are accurate with a JSON login that involves Symfony and React JS.

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Asked: 2021-10-09 11:00:00 +0000

Seen: 11 times

Last updated: Mar 11 '23