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What is the process by which Hibernate creates a query for associations with composite keys?

asked 2022-03-17 11:00:00 +0000

plato gravatar image

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answered 2022-09-08 12:00:00 +0000

huitzilopochtli gravatar image

When Hibernate creates a query for associations with composite keys, it follows the below process:

  1. First, it determines the join conditions by looking at the relationship between the entities in the mapping metadata.

  2. It then creates aliases for the associated entities and any properties that are involved in the join conditions.

  3. Next, it generates the select clause for the query by specifying the properties to be retrieved from the associated entities.

  4. It then creates the where clause for the query, which includes the join conditions and any additional filter criteria specified in the mapping metadata.

  5. Finally, it builds and executes the query against the database, retrieving the requested data for the associations with composite keys.

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Asked: 2022-03-17 11:00:00 +0000

Seen: 9 times

Last updated: Sep 08 '22