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How can the issue of ssl.SSLError be resolved when utilizing Google API?

asked 2022-09-02 11:00:00 +0000

woof gravatar image

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answered 2021-06-12 22:00:00 +0000

bukephalos gravatar image

There are a few possible solutions to resolve an ssl.SSLError when utilizing Google API:

  1. Upgrade the Python version: Ensure that you are using a version of Python that is supported by Google API. If you are using an older version of Python, upgrading it to a newer version may help to resolve the issue.

  2. Install/upgrades Certifi: Certifi is a certificate verification library that helps to validate SSL certificates. If upgrading Python does not solve the problem, upgrading Certifi to its latest version may help.

  3. Configure proxy settings: If you are working behind a firewall, configuring the proxy settings on your computer may help to resolve the issue.

  4. Disable SSL verification: You can disable SSL verification by setting the verify parameter to False when making API requests. However, keep in mind that disabling SSL verification could pose a potential security risk.

  5. Check your internet connection: Ensure that your internet connection is stable and there are no connection-related issues that could be causing the SSL error.

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Asked: 2022-09-02 11:00:00 +0000

Seen: 7 times

Last updated: Jun 12 '21