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What is the procedure to safeguard routes utilizing localStorage in SvelteKit?

asked 2021-05-22 11:00:00 +0000

lakamha gravatar image

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answered 2021-08-24 04:00:00 +0000

scrum gravatar image
  1. Define a function to check if the localStorage key exists:
function isLoggedIn() {
  return !!localStorage.getItem('token');

This function will return true if the 'token' key exists in the localStorage.

  1. In the load function of the pages that require authentication, check if the user is authenticated:
export async function load({ session }) {
  if (!isLoggedIn()) {
    return {
      status: 401,
      redirect: '/login'

  // Return the data for the page

This will redirect the user to the login page if they are not authenticated.

  1. In the login or registration process, save the token to the localStorage:
localStorage.setItem('token', token);
  1. In the logout process, remove the token from the localStorage:

This will log the user out and remove the authentication token from the localStorage.

By following these steps, your routes will be protected and only accessible to authenticated users.

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Asked: 2021-05-22 11:00:00 +0000

Seen: 22 times

Last updated: Aug 24 '21