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The assertTextEquals() function is used to compare the text displayed in a TextField or Text Composable with an expected value. The assertTextEquals() function throws an IllegalStateException if the expected text does not match the actual text.

There are several possible reasons why assertTextEquals() may result in an IllegalStateException:

  1. The Composable being tested was not properly set up. For example, the TextField or Text Composable may not have been initialized with the expected text.

  2. The Composable being tested may not have been rendered yet. The assertTextEquals() function can only compare the text that is currently displayed on the screen, so if the Composable has not been rendered yet, the assertion will fail.

  3. The Composable may be affected by external factors that are not being tested. For example, if a Composable relies on data from a network request, the assertTextEquals() function may fail if the network is down, or if the response from the server is different from what is expected.

Overall, the IllegalStateException is a generic exception that is thrown when the code is in an unexpected state. To debug this error, one should check the Composable's initialization, rendering, and dependencies to determine the root cause of the failure.