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In CUDA, function pointers are not supported across different compilation units. Therefore, function pointers cannot be transferred between different files in CUDA.

One possible solution is to use a callback mechanism. The idea is to pass a function pointer from one source file to another source file as a parameter of a function call. The receiver file can store this function pointer and use it later as a callback function.

For example, suppose we have two source files, "" and "". We want to pass a function pointer "foo" defined in "" to "" and use it as a callback function.


#include <stdio.h>
#include "helper.cuh"

void foo(int val) {
    printf("In foo, val = %d\n", val);

int main() {
    // Pass the function pointer "foo" as a parameter of the function call
    return 0;


#include <stdio.h>

// Define the function pointer type
typedef void (*FP)(int);

// Declare the helper function that takes a function pointer as a parameter
void helper(FP func) {
    printf("In helper\n");
    // Call the function pointer as a callback function

In helper.cuh:

void  helper(FP func);

Finally, compile and link the two source files together, and run the program:

$ nvcc
$ ./a.out
In helper
In foo, val = 42