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There could be multiple reasons for this issue. Here are a few possibilities:

  1. Network latency: The network latency might be high during the load testing, which causes the objects to load slower than expected. This can result in a timeout or failure to find the objects. To resolve this, you can increase the timeout value for object identification.

  2. Load on the server: If the server is under heavy load during the load testing, it might not be able to respond to the requests in a timely manner. This can result in failures or delays in object identification. You can try to reduce the load on the server by limiting the number of concurrent users or optimizing the server resources.

  3. Version compatibility: If there is a mismatch between the version of Chromium used during the script development and the one used during load testing, it might cause compatibility issues. Ensure that the version of Chromium used during load testing is same as the one used during script development.

  4. Customization: If the script contains any customizations or configurations that are specific to the local environment, it might not work correctly during the load testing. Ensure that the script is designed to work in any environment and does not rely on specific configurations.

  5. Security settings: If the security settings on the load testing environment are different from the local environment, it can affect the behavior of the script. Ensure that the security settings are consistent across all environments.