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Here's an example configuration that sets a cookie named "mycookie" with a value of "myvalue" for all requests:

http {
  # Set a cookie globally for all virtual servers
  add_header Set-Cookie "mycookie=myvalue; path=/;";

  # Virtual server configurations...
  server {
    listen 80;
    # ...
  # ...

In this example, the add_header directive is used to set the "Set-Cookie" header with the name and value of the cookie, along with optional attributes like the path and domain where the cookie should be valid.

This configuration will set the cookie for all virtual servers in the Nginx configuration file. If you only want to set the cookie for a specific virtual server, you can include the add_header directive inside the configuration block for that server. To add a cookie for a specific virtual server, you can do the following:

server {
    listen 80;

    # Set a cookie for this virtual server
    add_header Set-Cookie "mycookie=myvalue; path=/;";

    # ...