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There could be several reasons why the Quarkus custom banner configuration is not functioning properly.

  1. Incorrect configuration: Ensure that the banner configuration is correctly set up in the application properties file. Double-check the path to the banner file, the banner file format, and the correct syntax for referencing the banner file.

  2. File location and permissions: If the banner file is not located in the correct location or does not have the correct permissions, Quarkus may not be able to read and display it. Check that the file path is correct and that the file has the required read permissions.

  3. Banner file format: Make sure that the banner file is in the correct format (e.g., ASCII art format) and that it is not corrupted.

  4. Caching: If the banner has been changed, Quarkus may still display the old banner due to the caching of the application. Try clearing the application's cache and restarting the server.

  5. Quarkus version: Check that the Quarkus version being used supports the custom banner configuration feature.