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There are several possible causes for an Internal Server Error when making an HTTP post request between Docker containers on EC2. Here are a few things to check:

  1. Verify that the containers are running: Make sure that both the source and destination containers are running and that their ports are properly exposed.

  2. Check the firewall rules: Ensure that the security groups associated with the EC2 instances allow traffic between the containers.

  3. Check the network configuration: Ensure that the containers are on the same network and that they can communicate with each other using their network aliases.

  4. Check the application logs: Look at the logs generated by the application running in the container to see if there are any error messages that can provide insight into the cause of the issue.

  5. Check the HTTP response codes: Look at the HTTP response codes returned by the destination container to see if there are any error codes (such as 4xx or 5xx) that could indicate the cause of the Internal Server Error.