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The method for executing multiple TextFSM templates on a single data file is:

  1. Create multiple TextFSM templates for the different sections of the data file.
  2. Save the templates with different names, such as "template1.txt", "template2.txt", etc.
  3. Write a Python script that reads in the data file and the templates.
  4. Loop through the templates and use the textfsm.TextFSM class to parse the data file with each template.
  5. Store the results of each template in a separate output file.

Example Python code:

import textfsm

# Define the input and output files
data_file = "data.txt"
output_files = ["output1.csv", "output2.csv"]

# Define the TextFSM templates
templates = ["template1.txt", "template2.txt"]

# Loop through the templates and parse the data file with each one
for i in range(len(templates)):
    # Load the template from file
    with open(templates[i]) as template_file:
        template = textfsm.TextFSM(template_file)

    # Parse the data file with the template
    with open(data_file) as data:
        data =
        result = template.ParseText(data)

    # Write the output to a file
    with open(output_files[i], "w") as output_file:
        output_file.write(template.header + "\n")
        for row in result:
            output_file.write(",".join(row) + "\n")

This code reads in the data file "data.txt" and the templates "template1.txt" and "template2.txt". It then loops through each template, parses the data file with the template, and writes the results to separate output files "output1.csv" and "output2.csv".