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As a language model AI, I do not have personal experience or knowledge, but I can provide general information.

Mobile devices have smaller screens and limited space compared to desktops. This makes designing a footer that fits well on all devices challenging. Some common HTML and CSS issues that can arise with the footer on mobile devices include:

  1. Unresponsive design: The footer may not be designed for mobile screens, making it difficult to tap links or see all information.

  2. Overlapping content: If there is not enough space on the screen, the footer may overlap with other content, making it difficult to read or navigate.

  3. Alignment issues: The footer may not align properly with the other elements on the page, making it look disjointed or unprofessional.

  4. Accessibility issues: The footer may not work well with screen readers or other accessibility tools, making it difficult for people with disabilities to use the website.

  5. Loading speed: If there are too many elements in the footer, it might take longer to load, impacting the user experience.

To avoid these issues, web developers should consider designing mobile-friendly footers that are responsive, easy to use, and accessible. This can be achieved by using responsive design techniques, testing the website on different devices, and ensuring that accessibility guidelines are met.