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This error can occur if the Dockerfile was built on a platform that is different from the platform on which the Docker image is being run. For example, if the Dockerfile was built on a Linux platform, but the image is being run on a Windows platform, this error can occur.

To resolve this issue, you can try the following steps:

  1. Ensure that the Docker image is built on the same platform as the host where it will be run. This can be done by specifying the proper base image for the Dockerfile.

  2. Check the Docker image platform by running the following command:

    docker image inspect --format='{{index .Os}}/{{index .Architecture}}' <image_name>

    This command will display the platform of the Docker image.

  3. Check the host platform by running the following command:

    uname -a

    This command will display the platform of the host where Docker is being run.

  4. If the Docker image platform and host platform do not match, you can either rebuild the Docker image on the correct platform or run Docker in a virtual machine that matches the image platform.

By following these steps, you should be able to resolve the issue and open the file in Docker.