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To capture or monitor Excel VBA Slicer click events, you can use the SlicerItemSelected event.

The SlicerItemSelected event is triggered when a user selects an item in the slicer, and you can use this event to run a macro or perform certain actions.

Here's an example code:

Private Sub Workbook_SlicerItemSelected(ByVal SlicerCache As SlicerCache)
    'code to perform when slicer item is selected
End Sub

In this code, the Workbook_SlicerItemSelected event is used to capture the slicer item selection. You can then perform certain actions based on the selected item.

You can also use the SlicerCache.BeforeSlicerItemClicked event to capture a click event before the slicer item is selected:

Private Sub Workbook_SlicerBeforeItemClicked(ByVal SlicerCache As SlicerCache, ByVal SlicerItem As SlicerItem, ByVal Cancel As Boolean)

    'code to perform before slicer item is clicked

    'set Cancel = True to cancel the click event
End Sub

In this code, the Workbook_SlicerBeforeItemClicked event is used to capture the click event before the slicer item is selected. You can then perform certain actions before the item is selected or cancel the click event if needed.

Overall, using these events can help you to capture or monitor Excel VBA slicer click events and perform certain actions based on them.