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You can use the pycountry library to retrieve the country's ID (also known as alpha-2 code) based on its name by following these steps:

  1. Import the pycountry library:
import pycountry
  1. Use the method to search for the country by its name:
country = pycountry.countries.search_fuzzy('Country Name')[0]

Note: Replace 'Country Name' with the name of the country you want to search for.

  1. Retrieve the country's ID (alpha-2 code) using the alpha_2 attribute:
country_id = country.alpha_2

Here is the complete code:

import pycountry

# Search for the country by name
country = pycountry.countries.search_fuzzy('Country Name')[0]

# Retrieve the country's ID (alpha-2 code)
country_id = country.alpha_2

print(country_id)  # print the country's ID

This code will output the two-letter country code.