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initial version
  1. Identify the security requirements of the application: The first step is to identify the security requirements of the application and the data that needs to be protected.

  2. Determine the access levels: Determine which users should have access to which data and assign access levels accordingly.

  3. Implement authentication and authorization: Implement authentication and authorization using ASP.NET Core Identity or other authentication providers. This will enable secure sign-in and ensure that only authorized users can access the application.

  4. Create a database schema: Create a database schema that reflects the security requirements of the application. This involves defining tables and columns that represent the data and access levels.

  5. Add custom claims: Add custom claims to the authentication token to reflect the user's access level for each resource.

  6. Implement data access controls: Ensure that data access controls are in place for all endpoints and data-related functions. This can be done using role-based access controls or attribute-based access controls.

  7. Implement cascading security: Implement cascading security by filtering data based on the user's access level. This involves modifying queries to include a filter on the user's access level for each resource.

  8. Test the implementation: Test the implementation thoroughly to ensure that all security requirements are met and data is protected.

  9. Monitor and update as required: Monitor the application for security threats and update the implementation as required to address new threats or security requirements.