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Here are the steps to send an AJAX request using PHP and JS:

  1. Create an HTML page with a button to trigger the AJAX request.

  2. Add a script tag to the HTML page to write the AJAX request using JavaScript.

  3. In the JavaScript code, use the XMLHttpRequest object to create an AJAX request.

  4. In the AJAX request, specify the method (POST or GET), the URL of the PHP file that will handle the request, and any data you want to send.

  5. On the server-side, create a PHP file that will handle the AJAX request.

  6. In the PHP file, retrieve any data that was sent with the request using $POST or $GET.

  7. Process the data as needed, and echo any response back to the JavaScript code.

  8. In the JavaScript code, use the response to update the HTML content on the page.