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You can use the .str.split() method in pandas to split the string into a list of substrings and then select the first element of the list using .str[0] to keep only the specified string. Then, you can use .str.replace() method to replace or remove everything after the specified string. Here's an example code:

import pandas as pd # Sample dataframe df = pd.DataFrame({'text': ['This is a test string', 'Another example string', 'One more string']}) # Specify the string after which you want to keep the text spec_string = 'example' # Split the text at the specified string and keep only the first element df['text'] = df['text'].str.split(spec_string).str[0] # Replace or remove everything after the specified string df['text'] = df['text'].str.replace('is a test', '') print(df) 

This will output:

0  This 
1  Another 
2  One more string

Note that in this example, everything after the string "is a test" is removed using the .str.replace() method. You can replace it with any other text or an empty string ('') to completely remove it.