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Identifying the problem:

  1. Check if the releaseBufferCallback is being called at the expected times. If it is not being called, the buffer might not be getting released as expected.

  2. Check if the releaseBufferCallback is being called with the correct buffer references. If it is not, the buffer might be getting released incorrectly or not at all.

  3. Check if any third-party libraries or services are interfering with the buffer release.

Fixing the problem:

  1. Make sure the releaseBufferCallback is being called correctly and at the expected times. If necessary, try using a different approach to release the buffer.

  2. Ensure that the buffer references are being passed correctly to the releaseBufferCallback. If necessary, try using a different reference or a different mechanism for passing the reference.

  3. If a third-party service or library is causing the issue, try disabling or removing it temporarily to see if that resolves the problem. Alternatively, try upgrading or replacing the library with a more reliable one.